STOTT PILATES Power and Agility – Reformer Intervals on the Cardio-Tramp Rebounder DVD
Region Code 0: Can be played anywhere in the world
Workout Level-Intermediate (Level 3 of 5)
Number of Exercises: 41 Exercises
In this DVD, discover how to use the use Cardio-Tramp Rebounder for plyometric interval training to increase speed, agility and power. The Padded Platform Extender is used with the Reformer’s spring resistance to help improve strength and stability. The combination of cardio interval segments and full body conditioning will strengthen and tone muscles and improve everyday performance.
Region Code 0: Can be played anywhere in the world
Workout Level-Intermediate (Level 3 of 5)
Number of Exercises: 41 Exercises
Equipment Required-Reformer, Cardio-Tramp, Padded Platform Extender and Foam Cushion
Combine Reformer exercises with cardio training for great results

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